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Support Skálholt Summer Concerts

The festival's policy has always been the same, that people should, regardless of financial status, be able to enjoy the music in the beautiful surroundings  of Skálholt 

Although there is no entrance fee, donations from guests are very welcome. At concerts you can donate by either cash or cards. It is also possible to donate to our account.


Arion Banki: 0334-13-554431. 

Foundation no. (kennitala): 7004850809

Partners and sponsors

Skálholt Summer Concerts are proud and grateful for the support and cooperation of:

Tónskaldasjóður Ríkisútvarpsins
Uppbyggingarsjóður Suðurlands
Minningarsjóður Helgu Ingólfsdóttur
Héraðssjóður Suðurprófastsdæmis
Mjólkursamsalan MS

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